NEW I : Kap Lampu TIDELAND MARINE NAVIGATIONAL BUOY LANTERN BEACON ML-155, Lampu Navigasi Maxlumina marine Lantern

Alamat Kami :SUNERGY INDONESIA , Alamat :  Kedungwinangun Rt 02 Rw 07 Pedana, Kec. Klirong, Kab. Kebumen. Jawa Tengah 54381 Tlp: 0896-2049-5107 Indonesia 

Untuk Pemesanan/order Silahkan Tlp/sms/WA ke: 0896-2049-5107 atau email ke: atau

approx dims:
ML-155 has a 155 millimeter lens, about 6 inches in diameter.
TOTAL height is just over 19"
of which 7.5" is the gray base with the colored lens being nearly a foot tall. 

Greatest total "width" is at the center where the halves meet:  including the hinge  protrusions, about 10".

These Lanterns are New Stock